《男左女右 | Men & Women Are Seeking For Love》
Online Theatre
【網上新視演 Dance@ONLINE Series 3】

27/04/21, 4:00 pm
30/12/21, 4:00 pm
以舞說愛情 《男左女右 Men & Women Seeking For Love》
Creations on Love by Aman Yap and Suhaili Micheline premiered in 2015
2015年,《男左女右》邀請了本地著名的女性編舞家 Suhaili Micheline 與舞團藝術總監葉忠文老師以“愛情”為題,通過舞蹈創作談談兩位編舞各自的愛情觀。這一個看似平平無奇的命題,看舞者舞與編舞家如何以舞、戲(劇情)、嚴肅及黑色幽默的手法,去窺視這個“愛情”的大觀園。
《Men & Women Are Seeking For Love》 explores the common subject about 'love'.
There's a saying that "Love is finding your other half and completes yourself". However, witnessing so many breakups, divorces, betryals, do we still belive in 'Love'?
Dua Space invited Suhaili Micheline to collaborate with company artistic director, Aman Yap, creating a piece about 'Love', exploring their different thoughts on the theme through their respective creations.
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男左女右 | MW