《動態張力 | Dance of Fluorish》
Online Theatre
【網上新視演 Dance@ONLINE Series 3】

21/02/21, 4:00 pm
30/12/21, 4:00 pm
共享空間 成團首作 《動態張力 Dance of Flourish》
Dua Space's 1st Full-Time Company Production premiered in 2003
【Trailer】 https://youtu.be/CMc9bmcde90
共享空間兩位創辦人——馬金泉老師與葉忠文老師在1998年回國後,成立了共享空間舞團。經過了5年的準備,終於在2003年招聘了舞團第一批全職舞者,以全職專業舞團的規模製作了成團第一部專場演出——《動態張力》,在位於Bangsar.的The Actors Studio演出。
舞者舞動身體,在動態中展現肢體的張力,故名為《動態張力》。演出節目中有4部獨立的舞蹈創作:《舞。題》、《會是你嗎? 》、《流》及《坐輪椅的雲》。這四個不同的創作題材與形式,某程度來說,為舞團日後多元的發展方向定下了基調。
Both founders of Dua Space Dance Theatre, Mr. Anthony & Mr. Aman returned to Malaysia in 1998 and founded the company. After 5 years, they recruited the company's first batch of full-time dancers in 2003 and produced <Dance of Flourish>, premiered at The Actors Studio of Bangsar.
Dancers dance to exert their flourishing energy, and therefore, the production was named <Dance of Flourish>, consisting of 4 dance pieces, <Titled. Untitled>, <Mr & Miss Right?>, <Flow> and <Cloud On A Wheelchair>. All four pieces were created on different themes and forms, and to certain extend, they rolled out a model for the company's future creative direction.
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動態張力 | Dance of Fluorish