大马一家亲赈灾义演 Malaysia Bersatu Hati Flood Relief Performance
Mon, 10 Jan
|Dua Space Dance Theatre

10 Jan 2022, 8:00 pm – 15 Jan 2022, 2:48 pm
Dua Space Dance Theatre
Click here to PLAY VIDEO >> https://youtu.be/qSDsNI-Iq3s
3合1 募款 + 徵集物資 + 召集義工
“MALAYSIA BERSATU HATI” Flood Relief Campaign
3 in 1 Fundraising + Donate Necessities + Call for Volunteers
水灾无情 ‧ 人间有爱
号召会员、企业家与大众 有钱出钱,有力出力
The flood is ruthless but there is love in the world.
The Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce (MCCC) and the Dewan Perdagangan Islamic Malaysia (DPIM) join force together with enterprises, performers and non-government organisations to launch the “Malaysia Bersatu Hati” Flood Relief Campaign to help the flood victims.
Calling on members, entrepreneurs and the public hand-in-hand to spread love, please show your support with: Donate Fund, Donate Necessities, Volunteer Registration
联办单位 Co-organised by
- 马中总商会 Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce(MCCC)
- 大马伊斯兰商会 Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia(DPIM)
合作单位 Strategic Partners
- AWQAF Holdings Berhad
- 马来西亚青年运动 Young Malaysians Movement(YMM)
- 共享空间专业舞团 Dua Space Dance Theatre
捐款资讯 Donation Info
Bank Account Name:
Malaysia-China Chamber of Commerce
Bank Account No: 1065 8001 3314 (Affin Bank)
Contact: MCCC 03-9223 1188 / 012-910 1548
Bank Account Name:
Dewan Perdagangan Islam Malaysia
Bank Account No: 1401 0006 453710 (Muamalat Bank)
Contact: DPIM 03-7832 6644 / 017-212 5077